Monday 19 April 2010


Vulcanology has nothing to do with Mr Spock. It is rather the study of volcanoes, such as the unpronounceaable one in Iceland which has grounded most of the planes in Europe.

For the uninitiated, volcanoes are mountains which form above hot spots in the earth's mantle, relieving build-up of gas and pressure, causing mayhem and misery to thousands of people planning to go abroad for their holidays. Now, I haven't been on a plane for 11 years and am not likely to be able to afford to go abroad for the foreseeable future, so I really couldn't care less, but it is interesting to note that it is not until day 5 that the government starts to think about how to get people stranded beyond railway's reach back home in time for term, voting, whatever. It is almost as if the government thought the volcano would 'blow over' in a couple of days like snow or a thunderstorm. Perhaps Gordon has been jabbing a map of Iceland with his finger while shouting "Stop! I command you to stop!" until the point at which he realised it wasn't working.

Reality time, guys. This eruption may continue for weeks. It might even go on for months. It might represent the start of a period of intermittent activity which could go on for decades.

Volcanoes do not respect government, general elections or the desires of the middle classes. This could mean the end of cheap, regular air travel as we know it.

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